Return Policy - Magnolia Realty
033-4848 4848

The Allottees shall have the right to cancel/withdraw his/ her/ its allotment in the Project as provided in the Act.

Provided that, where the Allottees proposes to cancel/withdraw from the Project/Complex without any fault of the Developers, the Developers herein shall be entitled to forfeit the Booking Amount (being 10% of the Total Unit Price inclusive of applicable Taxes) paid for the allotment, along with the interest liabilities, and together with deduction of such other tax/levy as may be applicable at the time of such withdrawal by the Allottees. The balance amount of money paid by the Allottees shall be returned by the Developer to the Allottees within 45 (forty five) days of such cancellation. Such refund shall be made without any interest or compensation and all charges and expenses that may be incurred by the Developer in making such refund shall be borne by the Allottees. Upon withdrawal or cancellation of allotment by the Allottees under this Agreement, the Developers shall have the right to re-allot the Apartment to any third party thereafter and the prior allotment in favour of the Allottees will stand cancelled. All rights of the Allottees under any allotment letter issued or this Agreement shall also stand terminated.

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